Sunday, June 12, 2011

The End of an Era

It's official.  Tomorrow marks the last day of kindergarten this family will ever have.  No more fun after school lunch dates before the others get home, no more playing at the park just the two of us, no more mommy/child playdates for just Carson and me.  How did it happen so fast?!?!?!  You always hear everyone say it will, but it never really sinks in until it actually happens to you! 

I have loved this year with Carson.  He has been in a classroom with a wonderful teacher and has had so many firsts: first tooth lost, first year playing sports, first books read all by himself.  It has been an amazing ride.  Each step is bitter sweet- like today when I realized in the pool that he is not clinging onto me and is venturing out on his own- great, but just another step in achieving more independence.

 I find that too often I allow things to get in the way of savoring each and every moment of it all.  I get too stressed out about little things, driven crazy by sibling fighting, exhausted at the whining rather than really listening to what is behind it.  So often lately the stress of trying to figure out and help Noah is crushing and I hope my little guy has felt loved and taken care of through it all. 

So many fun stages of life right now right where we are- for all of them.  Hoping I will take the time to enjoy them and to realize they won't always be there...these are precious days.  Below are the words to a song Carson's class sang at their end of the year program Thursday- which I cried through.  It truly is my hope to see this in all of my children...I often feel I am failing miserably at it, but I hope when it is all said and done they will have felt it in their little lives.

See me beautiful,
look for the best in me.
That’s what I really am,
and all I want to be.
It may take some time
It may be hard to find,
but see me beautiful.

See me beautiful,
each and every day.
Could you take a chance?
Could you find a way?
To see me shining through
in everything I do
and see me beautiful.

~ by Kathy and Red Grammer

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Do you have any "gems" in your life???  You know, as your traveling life's rocky path all gray and brown, you pass by a colorful sparkling gem and it makes you stop in your tracks??  I am so blessed to have met many gems in my 35 I mean 29 years.  People who come along at just the right time to bring a little cheer, a listening ear, some crazy laughs, or some amazing wisdom.  And I love how God knows just when we need them.  I often feel isolated raising these 3 boys and particularly Noah as social settings can be so stressful for him and consequently me, but I am so thankful that my gems are always there no matter what even when I feel like an idiot and the worst parent who ever walked the face of the earth.  Though I find my self worth in mothering far too often (another post all in itself), they accept me for who and what I am and even for what I'm not.  That my friends, is when you know you have found a true gem.  I find gems come in all shapes and forms- friends, parents, grandparents, coaches, and sometimes even complete strangers. 

I think some of the most incredible gems are those who have taken on the high calling of teacher.  I have the utmost respect for these amazing human beings, and I understand their journey to some extent because I've walked in their shoes.  I've dealt with crazy kids, I've listened to unhappy parents, I've tried over and over to get a concept through to no avail, and I've sat back and watched the light in a child's eyes when they finally "get it".  It's a job like no other and I see so many give everything they have to help children acheive greatness.  This year especially, I have encountered a gem...a very rare gem.  This gem absolutely loves what she does.  And she is gifted beyond her years at doing the job she loves.  This gem is Noah's teacher.  How God works all these things out I will never know, but I guess that's why He's God and they are things I will never know on this side of eternity- but I know without a doubt that He prepared this gem and us for the exact moment our paths would cross and I'm so grateful.  Noah is not an easy child to have in a classroom- he does not fit into any box, he does not follow a predictable pattern, and he doesn't view the world the way anyone else does.  This amazing gem has loved my little gem unconditionally.  She has fought for him, protected him, supported him, held him accountable, and loved him.  And there have been some ROUGH days- and on those days, she finds at least one positive thing from the day to share.  And my little gem has thrived and grown and is a better little gem because of having spent time with her.  I am amazed at the classroom climate she has fostered and my gem has been so loved by the others in his classroom because of this.  He has received compliment notes from others, been included in groups, and has kids who are kind to him at recess.  And now alas, this gem will be leaving us :(.  It's not that I am not absolutely thrilled that this gem is going to become a mommy in a couple short weeks- I am so happy for her and know she will be an excellent mother, but selfishly, I am sad for my little gem- and let's face it myself- who will have to finish out the year without her.  She gets him, she knows him, she does things that work for him even if they are out of the box, and most of all she believes in him.  And so, it is bittersweet to see her go, but I am SO thankful for the gem that is staying- his aide- and that is another gem story all together!  So, thank you God for this special gem you've given us for this time and thank you for the eyes you gave her to see my little gem and to take the time to stop along life's path of gray and brown and pick him up and take him under her wing and to realize what a beauty she is holding.  Thank you for eyes that see diamonds in the rough.

And now a few "gems" of another kind:

Landon asked me if he could use Noah's headphones at school (the noice cancelling kind) because other kids are too distracting to him.  I told him I knew his teacher had some and maybe he could just borrow those.  He looked at me and said "Mom- what about the fleece???"  He was referring to head lice :).

Mark and Carson were working on locating a draft in our fireplace and Carson came over and told me "We haven't found the giraffe yet, but we're still looking!"

Carson:  "Something smells good."  Noah:  "I think that's just mom."

Landon: "Mom, Marcus knows how to do a top fly."  I still have no clue what he was referring to as he was talking about basketball...

Landon:  "Mom, since your birthday is one day before Papa's, are you one day older than him?"  Thanks son.

Just a few...more that I have been racking my brain to remember and can't.  Must write them down for next time- this old lady is already suffering from memory loss!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Funnies

It has been a LONG time since my last post.  It is not that the babes have disappointed in their hilarious comments, but somehow the nights and days and weeks and months just get away from me!  Our schedule is crazy full, but I am feeling like we are SO blessed.  So many fun things to experience with these little ones- and it is speeding by us far too quickly.  Landon and Carson are in full swing with Upward Basketball.  We love Upward!!  It is a wonderful christian basketball league where the players are taught basketball skills and learn about God's love for them.  They each receive a star at the end of each game for something they did well.  It could be a basketball skill or it could be a character trait- or the Christ like-ness star.  This is the first year Carson is old enough to play and he is so excited!!!  Last year he was faithful to wear Landon's old jersey to each game.  He was so excited to run out of the tunnel when his name was called that first game and high five all the spectators...and he still is!!  Kinder games are pretty hilarious!  He is having a great time.  Landon is having fun as well and improving a lot.  Last week he made 2 baskets in the first half (we had to leave after that as Carson's game conflicted and Mark was coaching his game that day- he assures us he made another in the 2nd half, but one never knows!)and was all over the court.  It has been great to see him grow more confident.  O:k- enough from me now here are the comments from the Babes.

Carson's bus driver tends to be a bit loud and sometimes "yells" in my opinion.  He is a very nice man, but there are some crazy kinders on the bus and sometimes you just have to be loud to get their attention in the back of the bus!  So, I asked Carson about it one day and he said, "Well he is old you know.  He has to yell a lot.  I think he is about 19."  This would be a wonderful compliment for this man who must be in his 60s :).

One day we had some crazy weather- hail, rain, sun, clouds, all in a matter of minutes.  Carson looked at me and said, "I think Jesus's weather machine is broken!"

I told Carson a couple of weekends ago that his grandparents were coming to watch his game.  He said, "Awesome!  I hope I get a touchdown!"  (Keep in mind we are playing basketball here!)

Landon: "Mom I can never play football.  You have to have your name on the back of your jersey.  That would be too embarrassing!"  (Snodgrass is a bit much at times)

Noah and Mark were riding in the car and the radio was telling about a website that had in it.  Noah looked at Mark and said, "I didn't know Jesus had a website."

Noah and Mark are also going through a book together called Boyhood and Beyond.  One of the chapters told a story of a boy who found an inappropriate magazine and threw it away instead of looking at it.  Noah wondered what was wrong with a magazine.  Mark told him what it was and he said, "Oh no!  That's terrible!  I thought it was Oriental Trading!"  He has a bit of an Oriental Trading catalog obsession :).

I recently lamented to Carson about the fact that I was getting too old and he assured me that when I have my birthday I will finally be able to grow taller.

Carson: "Noah should really play more sports so he can get snacks."

Some of these happened a while back, but I must write them down to remember them some day.  And there are more that I wish I could remember but can't...which is why I must blog more and get them down as they come.  I love these boys.  I love that Carson asked me to get out his baby book tonight and read to him about when he was "in my tummy and then a baby."  I love that Noah has had 8 wonderful days in a row at school- a record for him!  I love that Landon just turned 8 and had a Beaver bash.  I love watching them learn and grow and succeed.  I love the conversation I had with all 3 of them today about how Jesus is the only way to heaven and that God's Word stands on its own- it doesn't need to be added to and it doesn't need anything taken away from it either.  I loved looking at the scrapbooks I finished that arrived in the mail today and seeing so many precious memories from last year- and yes, there was a twinge of sadness as I realized how much they have all grown in just one year!  I love this stage of life- they are independent and capable of doing so much, yet so sweet and tender at the same time.  And there are challenges, and there are difficulties, and there are days I think I may not make it, but none of it changes my love for these boys.  And this whole parenting thing makes me rely completely on the One who loves me unconditionally.  And that is a place I love to be!